SIPTG 222: Chemtrails! (3/08/2020)

A shorter episode this week, as Graham and Steve talk about the future of E3 following non-E3, barking dogs, how sports are recovering from the beer flu, and the continued reporting of the never-ending tyre fire that is Ubisoft. Check it out! #WeBetterThanTolkien‬

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 40m8s

News: 40m8s -> 1h16m12s
Beginning of the End: 1h16m12s ->

SIPTG 201: Altruistic Thievery (17/02/2020)

Hopefully you’re able to hear this episode, after technical issues caused by Steve make Graham’s job a lot harder! This week, should you Split or Steal, throw sonic booms, stream Activision games, or try to do some Division? Find out the answers to these questions, and more!

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 45m58s

News: 45m58s -> 1h24m35s
Beginning of the End: 1h24m35s ->