SIPTG 215: #BlackLivesMatter (8/6/2020)

Steve and Graham take time to get serious about the events of the recent couple of weeks, and the video game implications of those events. There’s also the usual talk of games played and everything else, as well as continued round-the-clock coverage of the biggest hit of 2020 thus far. #BlackLivesMatter‬

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 42m16s

News: 42m16s -> 1h15m21s
Beginning of the End: 1h15m21s ->

SIPTG 214: Bunnings-themed DLC (25/05/2020)

We’re back for another week of podcasting and frivolity, as Graham spends time making his virtual dad-shed grouse and Steve provides an essential public service. Also: people spend a lot of money while quarantined, Man U sues Sega, more E3 replacements are announced, and G2A is (still) exceedingly stupid and shady. Get you some keys mang!‬

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 31m11s

News: 31m11s -> 1h9m48s
Beginning of the End: 1h9m48s ->

SIPTG 212: Summer of Keighly (11/05/2020)

With a shark-load of news, Graham and Steve strive to survive the end times on this week’s SIPTG podcast. With news of The Last of Us’ release, the upcoming Summer of Keighley, what makes a game ‘well Portal’, a stack of EA release news, and a whole bunch more, it’s enough to even put the Sharknado of video games to shame. And that HD remaster? Yeah, it’s gonna be…‬

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 36m4s

News: 36m4s -> 1h24m22s
Beginning of the End: 1h24m22s ->

SIPTG 210: Crying Over Trackmania (27/04/2020)

A second week of holidays for Steve, more Satisfactorying for Graham, and more news abound on this week’s SIPTG podcast! Gather ’round for talk of GameStop, Nintendo updates and hacks, delays and dates, free games, Home Improvement, and WWE’s uncertain future.‬

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 23m29s

News: 23m29s -> 53m41s
Beginning of the End: 53m41s ->