SIPTG 177: Star Treks Makes No Senses (24/06/2019)

The first week after E3 is often a quiet time, but fortunately Graham and Steve find some ‘surprise mechanics’ to keep them entertained! Amid talks of LEGO cars, Batman & Ninja Turtles, and (not) learning from Telltale’s history, while everything is most certainly NOT awesome, there’s amusement still to be had!

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 37m28s

News: 37m28s -> 1h0m18s
Beginning of the End: 1h0m18s ->

SIPTG 174: Big Khaaaaaaaaaan! (3/06/2019)

It’s the week before E3, but all sorts of creatures are stirring in this house! Join the boys as they discuss golf, moose men, a new Call of Duty, Bastards of the Void, and the surprise of Hideo Kojima’s new game actually coming out!

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 46m32s

News: 46m32s -> 1h17m9s
Beginning of the End: 1h17m9s ->

SIPTG 171: Learning Organisation (13/05/2019)

In what’s becoming a recurring theme, the boys didn’t play too much and Randy Pitchford did/said a whole bunch of stuff again this week. However, that’s not all there is to talk about, as there is also the State of Play, the state of Riot, and the state of Bubsy to talk about too!

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 13m37s

News: 13m37s -> 1h8m49s
Beginning of the End: 1h8m49s ->

SIPTG 169: No Random Civilians (29/04/2019)

Things get a little ‘crunchy’ this week on the SIPTG podcast, as Graham is still wandering the wastes of DC (without seeing any civilians), and Steve is ‘marvelling’ at the Endgame (among other things). There’s also talk of crunch, earnings, and updates too! Something for everyone!

Show Notes:
Intro and Games: -> 35m39s

News: 35m39s -> 1h29m37s
Beginning of the End: 1h29m37s ->