Episode 40 – 26/07/2015

The first four man podcast in almost two months (!) sees the guys talk about broken betas, racist washed-up wrestlers, and the new beautiful game. All this, plus: what is the sure-fire, guaranteed game of the year that comes out this week? Find out in an all-new episode of the Should I Play This Game Podcast!

Episode 39 – 19/07/2015

E3 is in the rear view and finally news is happening. Unfortunately, not much is good. Join the boys, minus Graham, as they talk about how to spend a week off work, the PC game development conundrum, and Konami’s constant instigation of Kojima and his fans. We also provide a brief eulogy to Mr Saturo Iwata and cover the year’s biggest and most-anticipated sequel #BirdingDownTheHouse

Episode 38 – 12/07/2015

The International Businessman is back! Join us as he regales Graham and Steve with tales of Businessman business. The boys also talk about how to successfully backpedal from outlandish and ridiculous claims, the hardcore street toughs that are the Lizard Squad, and awesome collector’s editions of video games.

Episode 37 – 05/07/2015

Two weeks after E3 and still not much in the way of news. But that should mean that the boys still have a lot to talk about, right? With Paul crunching for PAX and the International Businessman enjoying the 4th of July, USA-style, Steve and Graham talk about more Destiny BS, Mad Catz being close to closing, and what to buy when you’ve bought most of the games you want to buy but haven’t played yet.